The Virtues of Hadhrat Muhammad (SAW)
There exists thousands of books which describe the virtues of Hadhrat Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). Eighty-six of his superior qualities have been listed below:
1. Among the creatures, Hadhrat Muhammad’s spirit was created first.
2. Allahu ta’ala has written his name in Heaven, in the various Paradises, and in the seven skies.
3. On the leaves of a rose which grows in India, “La ilaha illallah Muhammadun Rasulullah” is written. [There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet.]
4. A fish caught in the Basra river had “Allah” and “Muhammad” (sall-Allahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) written on its right and left side, respectively. There are many examples of this. There is a picture of a fish on whose tail the word “Shanullah” is written in Arabic. This picture is on the 200th page of the book The History of a Fish, which was published in London in 1975. It was also reported that “La ilaha illallah” [There is no god but Allah] was written on the other side of its tail. There are a lot of examples similar to this.
5. There are angels whose only task is to repeat the name of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim).
6. The angels were ordered to bow down to Hadhrat Adam because he had the light of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) on his forehead.
7. Even during the time of Adam (‘alayhis-Salaam) the call to prayer (adhan) had the name “Muhammad” in it.
8. Allahu ta’ala ordered all His Prophets to tell their followers: “If you hear of someone named Muhammad as a prophet before you die, you must believe in him.”
9. In the Torah, in the Bible and in the Psalms, Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) and the names of his four Khalifates, some of his Companions (Sahaba) and followers (umma) have been written about and praised. Allahu ta’ala named his beloved Prophet by extracting “Muhammad” from His own name “Mahmud.” Allahu ta’ala gave his own names “Rauf” and “Rahim” to His beloved Prophet, too.
10. When he was born, angels circumcised him.
11. Many great miracles occurred when he was about to be born. This fact is written in history books as well as in the books written as poems describing the birth of the Prophet called “Mawlid Books.”
12. After he was born, satans could not ascend and steal news from the angels.
13. At the moment of his birth, all idols and statues that were being worshipped on the earth were knocked over.
14. He used to be cradled by angels.
15. He used to talk to the moon when he was in his cradle. The moon used to tilt to the side when he pointed with his blessed finger.
16. He began to speak when he was in the cradle.
17. When he was a child, whenever he went outside there was always a cloud over his head, fixing a protective shadow over him. This fact continued until his prophethood began.
18. When he was three, and when he was informed that he would be the final Prophet at the age of forty, and when he was being taken to Paradise at the age of fifty - two, angels split open his chest. They washed his heart with water in a basin that they had brought with them from Paradise.
19. Each Prophet had the seal of prophethood on his right hand. But his seal was on his left shoulder blade and in line with his heart. After Gabriel had washed his heart and closed his chest, his back was sealed by Gabriel with a seal brought from Paradise.
20. He could see from behind himself while looking in front of himself.
21. He could see in the dark as well as he could in the daylight.
22. Having seen the seven stars in the so-called “Pleiades” star group which is next to Taurus, he reported their number. This group of stars is also called “Pervin” and “Ulker.”
23. His spit made hard water fresh. It revived sick people. Like milk, it was food for babies.
24. While his eyes were sleeping, his heart was awake. This condition was the same for all the Prophets.
25. He never yawned during his entire lifetime. This condition was the same for all the Prophets (‘alaihi mu’s-salatu wattaslimat.)
26. His sweat used to smell as sweet as a rose. Once a poor man came to him seeking help to get his daughter married. The Prophet (‘alayhis-Salaam) had nothing to give, but he put some of his sweat in a small bottle and gave it to the man. When that girl used it, her house was filled with the scent of musk. Her house became famous and was called “musk house.”
27. Although he was of medium height, when he was together with a tall man, he seemed taller than the other man.
28. When he was walking in the sunlight or in the moonlight, no shadow formed by his body was ever seen on the ground.
29. No flies, mosquitos or any other kind of insect ever alighted on his body or clothing.
30. His clothes were never dirty, no matter how long he wore them.
31. Whenever he walked, angels followed him. For this reason, he used to make his Companions (Sahaba radi-Allahu ta’ala ‘anhum ajmain) walk in front of him and told them to leave the area behind him for the angels.
32. When he stepped on a stone his footprint would be left. However, he never left footprints while walking on sand. Whenever he left his stool in an open area, that place would split open and his stool would disappear. A wonderful scent would also emanate from that spot. These conditions were the same for all the Prophets.
33. Some people drank his cupped blood. When he heard this, he declared: “The hellish Fire will not burn them.”
34. Another great mujiza of his was “the event of the miraj.” He was taken from Mecca to Jerusalem by an animal brought from Paradise called “Burak.” From Jerusalem he was taken up into the heavens and the Arsh. He was shown strange things. He saw Allahu ta’ala with his physical eyes, but in an unknown manner. [His seeing Allahu ta’ala happened outside of the physical sphere that is, in the second world.] He was taken back home in a moment. No other Prophet was granted a miraj mujiza.
35. For the Muslims (his followers/umma), it has become an obligation (fard) to ask Allah to bless him, that is, to recite salat (prayers) and salam (peace) on him which is also done by Allahu ta’ala and His angels.
36. He was granted the greatest knowledge among human beings and angels. Although he was “ummi” which means “uneducated,” that is, he learned nothing from any man, Allahu ta’ala taught him everything. Adam (‘alayhis-Salaam) knew the names of everything, but Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) knew the names of everything and also detailed information about everything.
37. All the names, the physical appearances of his umma (followers) and the events that would happen among them were revealed to him.
38. He had the greatest wisdom of all.
39. He was granted all the good qualities which can be found in a human being. Omar Ibn-ul Farid was asked: “Why did you not praise the Prophet of Allahu ta’ala?” He answered: “I understood that I did not have the ability to praise him. I could not find the appropriate words to praise him.”
40. Allahu ta’ala has put his name next to His own name in the Kalima-i shahadat (the Muslim’s attestation of faith), in adhan (the Muslim’s call to prayer), in the iqamat (the introduction to prayer), in the tashahhud of salat, in many other prayers, in other acts of worship, in the khutbas, in hard times, in the grave, on Doomsday; in Paradise and in the languages of every kind of creature.
The highest example of his superiority is his being “Habibullah,” that is,”the beloved of Allahu ta’ala. “Allahu ta’ala has made him His beloved and has befriended him, Himself. He loves him much more than He loves any other person or angel. He declared in a Hadith al-qudsi: “I made Abraham my Khalil (friend), but I made you may Habib (beloved).”
The fifth verse of Chapter Duha in the Holy Qur’an with the meaning: “I shall give you everything you desire until you are satisfied,” expresses that Allahu ta’ala has promised His Prophet (sall-Allahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) that He will give him all kinds of knowledge, all the superior qualities, ahqam-i sharia, help against his enemies, victory, conquered lands for his umma (followers) and every kind of intercession and manifestation on the Day of Judgement. When this ayat (verse) was revealed, he declared looking at Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam): “I will never be satisfied with one of my umma (followers) left in Hell.”
41. His blessed heart was always with Allahu ta’ala during the day and night, while he was asleep or awake, while he was alone or together with other people, while he was laughing or crying, while he was at home or in a war, or while he was traveling. He was completely with Allahu ta’ala during some specific times. In order to do his worldly task, and to orientate his heart towards worldly affairs, he used to come to his wife Hadhrat Aisha (radi-Allahu’ anha) first and tell her: “O! Aisha! Please talk to me so that I shall have tranquillity in my heart.” And then he used to go to his Companions to give them some enlightening advice. After he had performed the sunnat (the first part) of the morning prayer at home, he first talked to Hadhrat Aisha for some time, and then he used to go to the mosque in order to perform the obligatory prayer with his Companions. These conditions are the specialties of prophethood. If he had gone out without talking to Hadhrat Aisha, no one could have looked him in the face because of his nur (light) and divine manifestation.
42. In the Qur’an al-karim, Allahu ta’ala calls every Prophet (alaihimussalavatu watteslimat) by using their own names. But He calls Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) saying,”O! My Rasul”, “O! My Prophet.”
43. He used to speak clearly, in such a way that could be understood easily. He could speak all the dialects of the Arabic language. He used to answer the questions of those who came from different districts with their own dialects. Those who listened to him did so with admiration. He declared: “I was educated by Allahu ta’ala very well.”
44. He used to say many things with a few words. His traditions of more than one hundred thousand show that he was “Cevami-ul Kalim.” Some Islamic savants said that Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) had expressed the four fundamentals of Islam with just four traditions [Hadith ash-Sharif]. These are: “Deeds are evaluated according to the intention.” “Halal is obvious and haram is obvious.” “The complainant has to bring forth witnesses and the defendant has to swear.” “A person’s faith cannot be perfect until he desires for his brother in religion the thing which he desires for himself.” These four traditions are the fundamental basis for ‘ibadat (worship), muamalat (business dealings), khusumat (involving penal code and politics), and ethics in Islam, respectively.
45. Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) was innocent. He committed no sins, little or big, intentionally or unintentionally, before or after his fortieth birthday. Not a single dishonorable thing was ever seen from him.
46. Muslims have been ordered to recite “Assalamu alaika ayyuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullah” and to greet Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) while sitting in their prayers. This greeting is not permissible to say for any other prophet or angel while performing prayer.
47. He wanted neither rank nor sultanate. He wanted prophethood and poverty. One morning he was talking with Gabriel, and said: “We did not have a bit of food to eat last night.” At that moment, Seraph (Israfil [‘alayhis-Salaam]) came and said: “Allahu ta’ala has heard what you said and sent me. If you wish every stone you touch will turn to gold, silver or emerald. If you wish, you can be an angelic prophet.” The Prophet of Allahu ta’ala repeated thrice saying: “I want to be a human prophet.”
48. Other Prophets were prophets for a certain country and for a limited time. But Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) was sent as a prophet for all human beings and jinns throughout the world until the Day of Judgement. There were some Islamic savants who said that Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) was the Prophet for all the angels, animals, plants, lifeless thing, in short, for all creatures.
49. His mercy and help prevailed over all creatures. How useful he has been for the Muslims is obvious. Those disbelievers living during the time of other Prophets used to be tortured and killed in the world by Allahu ta’ala. But those who have not believed in him have not been tortured in this world. One day he told Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam): “Allahu ta’ala has informed me that I am the mercy for the universe. Have you been granted anything from my mercy?” Gabriel answered: “Seeing the greatness and extreme severity of Allahu ta’ala, I was always in fear of how my future would be. When I brought to you the verses that revealed my future safety [The twentieth and twenty-first verses of the Chapter Takwir] my fear was dispelled. What mercy can be greater than that?”
50. Allahu ta’ala wanted Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) to be satisfied. [As we have written in the forty-second virtue, Allahu ta’ala will grant him whatever he wants until he is satisfied. This fact is reported in Chapter Duha.]
51. Other Prophets answered the slanders of the disbelievers by themselves. But the slanders of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) were answered by Allahu ta’ala. Thus, He defended him.
52. The number of the followers of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) is more than the total of the other Prophets’ followers put together. They are more honored and superior to the other Prophets’ followers. It is reported in traditions that two thirds of those who will enter Paradise will be from the followers of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim).
53. It is said in the book Mawahib-i Ladunniyya that this tradition of the Prophet is well-known: “I desired from my Lord that my followers would not unite upon error. He accepted.” In another tradition, he declared: “Allahu ta’ala has protected you from three things. One of them is that He will protect you from being united on error.” The second is that the one who dies of a contagious disease will be rewarded as a martyr. The third one is that if two pious Muslims bear witness for a Muslim, saying that he is a good person, that Muslim will be sent to Paradise. In a tradition he declared: “The disagreements among my Companions are mercy for you.” and “The disagreements among my followers [being divided into madhhabs to practice Islam ] are mercy for mankind.” When they are striving to find the truth, disagreements arise among them. Their striving is a cause for mercy. Two kinds of people have denied this tradition. The first is called majin. The second is called mulhid. A majin is a trickster who uses the religion as a means for his worldly benefits. A mulhid is a perverted person who interprets verses (ayats) according to his worldly desires and becomes a disbeliever. Yahya Ibn Said says: “Islamic scholars are those who make things easy. The same thing was said to be halal (permitted) by one of them, while the other said it was haram (prohibited). The things said to be halal for pious people were said to be haram during the time of disorder. The second of the three, reported in the traditions, is that he who dies because of an epidemic gets the rewards of a martyr. The third is that if a dead Muslim is said to be a good man by two Muslims, he will go to Paradise.
The above tradition shows that “Ijma-i ummat,” that is, the unanimity of Islamic savants called mujtahid is from the ‘Adilla-i Shar’iya’. This means that, it is one of the sources of religious knowledge and that the four madhhabs are true. Madhhabs are mercy from Allahu ta’ala for the Muslims.
54. The blessings given to Rasulullah are much greater than the blessings given to other Prophets. The rewards given to a person who performs an acceptable prayer or a good deed will be given to his teacher as well. Four multiples of blessings will be given to his teacher’s teacher. Eight multiples of blessings will be given to his teacher’s teacher’s teacher. The fourth teacher will be given sixteen multiples of his student’s blessings. For example: The twentieth teacher will be given five hundred and twenty-four thousand, two hundred and eighty-eight blessings. If the number of blessings to be given to Rasulullah is considered according to this calculation, only Allahu ta’ala knows the real amount. Salafi Salihin were reported to have been superior to their successors. In respect to the number of blessings, their superiority is obvious.
55. Calling him with his name, speaking loudly before him, calling him from a long distance, crossing the road or passing farther in front of him on the way, have been prohibited. The followers of other Prophets (‘alaihimussalavatu wattaslimat) used to call them with their proper names.
56. The angel Seraph (Israfil [‘alayhis-Salaam]) came to Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) many times. Only Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam) came to the other Prophets (‘alaihimussalawatu wattaslimat).
57. He saw Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam) twice in his true form as an angel. Gabriel was not seen in his angelic form by other Prophets, (‘alaihimussalawatu wattaslimat).
58. Gabriel visited him twenty-four thousand times. He came to Moses (‘alayhis-Salaam) the most among the other Prophets, which was four hundred times.
59. To swear by Allahu ta’ala with the name of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) is permissible, but it is not permissible with other Prophets or angels.
60. To marry his blessed wives (radi-Allahu ta’ala anhunne) after he passed away was haram (prohibited). For this reason, they were referred to as the mothers of all Muslims. The wives of other Prophets (‘alaihimussalavatu watteslimat) were not very helpful. But the blessed wives (radi-Allahu ta’ala anhunne) of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) were useful for him both in his worldly and spiritual affairs. They were patient in poverty, felt gratitude and helped very much in spreading Islam.
61. The Prophet’s blessed daughters and wives (radi-Allahu ta’ala anhunne) are the best of all the women in the world. And his companions are the best among mankind, excluding other Prophets. His towns, Mecca and then Medina, are the most precious places on the earth. For one prayer performed in Masjid-i Sharif, the blessing of one thousand prayers is written. It is the same for other acts of worship. The place between his grave and his pulpit is as precious as a garden in Paradise. He declared: “After my death, visiting my grave is like visiting me when I’m alive.” “A Muslim who dies in one of the Harameyn is revived with confidence on the Day of Judgement. Mecca and Medina are called Harameyn.
62. There will be no value based on relationship by marriage or blood on the Day of Judgement. Only Rasulullah’s relatives will be the exception.
63. Everybody’s family originates from their son, but Hadhrat Muhammad’s (‘alayhis-Salaam) family originates from his daughter, Sayyidah Fatimah, Radhi Allahu Ta'ala Anha. This fact is confirmed with a hadith ash-Sharif.
64. Devout Muslims who have been given his name will not enter Hell.
65. Every word and every deed of his was correct. Every ijtihad (religious deduction) of his was confirmed by Allahu ta’ala.
66. It is obligatory for everybody to love him. He declared: “He who loves Allahu ta’ala loves me.” The sign of love for him is to adapt yourself to his religion, his path, his traditions and his morality. In the Qur’an al-karim, he was ordered to say: “If you adapt yourselves to me, Allahu ta’ala will love you.”
67. It is wajib (necessary) to love his Ahl al-bayt (family, radi-Allahu ta’ala anhum ajmain). He declared: “He who feels hostility towards my Ahl al-bayt is a hypocrite. The Ahl al-bayt are his relatives for whom it is haram (prohibited) to accept zakat (charity). They are the Muslim offspring from his wives and his grandfather, Hashim, that is, those coming from the descendants of Ali, Ukaylin, Jafar, Tayyar and Abbas.
68. It is wajib (necessary) to love all of his Companions (Sahaba). He declared, “After my death, do not feel hostility towards my Companions. Loving them means loving me. Having hostility for them means having hostility for me. He who hurts them also hurts me. He who hurts me also angers Allahu ta’ala. Those who anger Allahu ta’ala are tormented by Him.”
69. Allahu ta’ala had created two assistants on the earth and two assistants in the heavens for Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). They are Gabriel (Jabrael), Mikhail, Abu Bakr and Omar.
70. Every human being has a jinn companion. This satan is a disbeliever. Arousing suspicion within the man, he tries to make him commit sins and strives to undermine his faith. The Prophet of Allahu ta’ala (‘alayhis-Salaam) influenced his jinn companion to have faith.
71. Everybody, man or woman, except children, will be questioned about Hadhrat Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) in their graves. The question “Who is your Prophet?” will be asked as well as the question, “Who is your Lord?”
72. It is an act of worship to read the traditions of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). The man who reads them is given blessings. In order to read the traditions, it is very beneficial (mustahab) to perform ablution, to wear clean clothes, to use good perfume, to put the tradition books in high places, not to stand up for those coming in while reading the traditions, and not to talk with others. The faces of those who read the Prophet’s traditions are continuously bright and beautiful. It is also necessary to follow these rules while we are reading the Qur’an al-karim.
73. When the Prophet of Allahu ta’ala (sall-Allahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) was about to die, Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam) came and conveyed Allahu ta’ala’s greetings to him and said that Allahu ta’ala had saluted him. The angel Gabriel told him he would die. He gave the good news to him and to his followers (ummat).
74. To take his blessed spirit, Azrael, the angel of death, came in the form of a human being. He asked for permission to come in.
75. The soil in his grave is superior to every other place including the Kaba [and paradises].
76. He is alive in his grave in a form of existence we are not capable of understanding. He reads the Qur’an al-karim and perform prayers in his grave. This condition is the same for all the Prophets (‘alaihimussalawatu watteslimat).
77. Those angels who hear the greetings and blessings recited by the Muslims for him all over the world carry them to his grave and convey them. His grave is visited by thousands of angels everyday.
78. The deeds and acts of worship done by his followers are shown to him every morning and every evening. He also sees who has done them. He prays for the sinners to be forgiven.
79. Visiting his grave is also spiritually rewarding (mustahab) for women, too. But, it is permissible for women to visit only when those places are not crowded.
80. All over the world, Allahu ta’ala always accepts the prayers of those who want something from Him for the sake and honor of His Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). This was the case before and after his death. This is called “tawassul.” Once a peasant came beside his shrine and prayed: “O! My Allah. You ordered people to make the slaves free. This is your Prophet, and I’m one of your slaves. For the sake of your Prophet, I want you to make me free from the hellish fire.” A voice was heard responding to that peasant: “O! My slave! Why do you only want yourself to be free? Why do not you want all my slaves to be free? Come on? Go away. I made you free from Hell.” Hatim al-Asam, one of the well-known Muslim saints, stood beside the shrine of Rasulullah and prayed: “O! My Allah! I visited your Prophet’s grave. Don’t send me back empty-handed, please!” A voice was heard, responding: “O! My slave. I have accepted your visit to my beloved Prophet’s grave. I have forgiven you and those who were together with you.” Hadhrat Imam-i Ahmad Kastalani says: “I have been sick for some years. Doctors could not treat me. One evening in Mecca, I begged Rasulullah deeply. That night I saw someone in my dream. I read these lines on the paper in his hand: “Here, with the permission of Rasulullah, the name of the medicine for Ahmad Kastalani is written.” When I woke up I felt completely recovered.” Kastalani says again: “A girl had epilepsy. I begged Rasulullah to a great extent for her recovery. In my dream, somebody brought me the jinn who caused the girl to be ill. He said to me that the jinn had been sent to me by Rasulullah. I was angry with the jinn and shouted at him. He swore not to hurt the girl any more and then I woke up. I was told that the girl had recovered from epilepsy.
81. First, Rasulullah (sallallahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) will rise from his grave. He will be wearing the clothes of Paradise. He will go to Mahshar (the meeting place) on an animal called “Buraq.” He will carry a flag that is called “Liwa-ul Hamd.” All the Prophets and human beings will stand under this flag. All of them will become bored after having waited for one thousand years. They will go first to the Prophet Adam, then Noah, then Ibrahim, Moses and Isa (“alaihimussalavatu watteslimat”) and ask them to intercede for them. Those Prophets will not accept because of the shame and fear they feel before Allahu ta’ala. Then, approaching Rasulullah, they will implore him to intercede. He will prostrate himself, he will pray to Allahu ta’ala, and his intercession will be accepted. First of all, his followers will be judged; they will pass the Sir’at and enter Paradise first. They will illuminate the places they go. While Hadhrat Fatima (radi Allahu ‘anha) is passing the Sir’at, it will be heard: “Everybody! Close your eyes! Muhammad’s (‘alayhis-Salaam) daughter is coming.”
82. He will intercede in six places. All human beings will have been freed from the torture of waiting at Mahshar as a result of his intercession called Maqam-i Mahmud. Secondly, he will cause many people to enter Paradise without being judged. Thirdly, those Muslims who are to be tormented will be rescued by him. Fourthly, those Muslims who have a lot of sins will be taken out of Hell. Fifthly, he will intercede for those whose sins and good deeds are equal and who are waiting at a place called Araf in order to enter Paradise. Sixthly, he will intercede for those in Paradise in order to make their grades higher. Each one of those seventy thousand people who entered Paradise without being judged as a result of receiving the intercession of Hadhrat Muhammad will, in turn, intercede for seventy thousand people to enter Paradise without being judged.
83. It was declared: “But for you, I would not have created anything.”
84. The station of Rasulullah (sall-Allahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) in Paradise is called “Veseele.” It is the highest degree of Jannat (Paradise). The root of the tree called “Sidratulmuntaha,” of which a branch will extend to everybody, is there. Every blessing will come to the people of Jannat through its branches.
There exists thousands of books which describe the virtues of Hadhrat Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). Eighty-six of his superior qualities have been listed below:
1. Among the creatures, Hadhrat Muhammad’s spirit was created first.
2. Allahu ta’ala has written his name in Heaven, in the various Paradises, and in the seven skies.
3. On the leaves of a rose which grows in India, “La ilaha illallah Muhammadun Rasulullah” is written. [There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet.]
4. A fish caught in the Basra river had “Allah” and “Muhammad” (sall-Allahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) written on its right and left side, respectively. There are many examples of this. There is a picture of a fish on whose tail the word “Shanullah” is written in Arabic. This picture is on the 200th page of the book The History of a Fish, which was published in London in 1975. It was also reported that “La ilaha illallah” [There is no god but Allah] was written on the other side of its tail. There are a lot of examples similar to this.
5. There are angels whose only task is to repeat the name of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim).
6. The angels were ordered to bow down to Hadhrat Adam because he had the light of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) on his forehead.
7. Even during the time of Adam (‘alayhis-Salaam) the call to prayer (adhan) had the name “Muhammad” in it.
8. Allahu ta’ala ordered all His Prophets to tell their followers: “If you hear of someone named Muhammad as a prophet before you die, you must believe in him.”
9. In the Torah, in the Bible and in the Psalms, Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) and the names of his four Khalifates, some of his Companions (Sahaba) and followers (umma) have been written about and praised. Allahu ta’ala named his beloved Prophet by extracting “Muhammad” from His own name “Mahmud.” Allahu ta’ala gave his own names “Rauf” and “Rahim” to His beloved Prophet, too.
10. When he was born, angels circumcised him.
11. Many great miracles occurred when he was about to be born. This fact is written in history books as well as in the books written as poems describing the birth of the Prophet called “Mawlid Books.”
12. After he was born, satans could not ascend and steal news from the angels.
13. At the moment of his birth, all idols and statues that were being worshipped on the earth were knocked over.
14. He used to be cradled by angels.
15. He used to talk to the moon when he was in his cradle. The moon used to tilt to the side when he pointed with his blessed finger.
16. He began to speak when he was in the cradle.
17. When he was a child, whenever he went outside there was always a cloud over his head, fixing a protective shadow over him. This fact continued until his prophethood began.
18. When he was three, and when he was informed that he would be the final Prophet at the age of forty, and when he was being taken to Paradise at the age of fifty - two, angels split open his chest. They washed his heart with water in a basin that they had brought with them from Paradise.
19. Each Prophet had the seal of prophethood on his right hand. But his seal was on his left shoulder blade and in line with his heart. After Gabriel had washed his heart and closed his chest, his back was sealed by Gabriel with a seal brought from Paradise.
20. He could see from behind himself while looking in front of himself.
21. He could see in the dark as well as he could in the daylight.
22. Having seen the seven stars in the so-called “Pleiades” star group which is next to Taurus, he reported their number. This group of stars is also called “Pervin” and “Ulker.”
23. His spit made hard water fresh. It revived sick people. Like milk, it was food for babies.
24. While his eyes were sleeping, his heart was awake. This condition was the same for all the Prophets.
25. He never yawned during his entire lifetime. This condition was the same for all the Prophets (‘alaihi mu’s-salatu wattaslimat.)
26. His sweat used to smell as sweet as a rose. Once a poor man came to him seeking help to get his daughter married. The Prophet (‘alayhis-Salaam) had nothing to give, but he put some of his sweat in a small bottle and gave it to the man. When that girl used it, her house was filled with the scent of musk. Her house became famous and was called “musk house.”
27. Although he was of medium height, when he was together with a tall man, he seemed taller than the other man.
28. When he was walking in the sunlight or in the moonlight, no shadow formed by his body was ever seen on the ground.
29. No flies, mosquitos or any other kind of insect ever alighted on his body or clothing.
30. His clothes were never dirty, no matter how long he wore them.
31. Whenever he walked, angels followed him. For this reason, he used to make his Companions (Sahaba radi-Allahu ta’ala ‘anhum ajmain) walk in front of him and told them to leave the area behind him for the angels.
32. When he stepped on a stone his footprint would be left. However, he never left footprints while walking on sand. Whenever he left his stool in an open area, that place would split open and his stool would disappear. A wonderful scent would also emanate from that spot. These conditions were the same for all the Prophets.
33. Some people drank his cupped blood. When he heard this, he declared: “The hellish Fire will not burn them.”
34. Another great mujiza of his was “the event of the miraj.” He was taken from Mecca to Jerusalem by an animal brought from Paradise called “Burak.” From Jerusalem he was taken up into the heavens and the Arsh. He was shown strange things. He saw Allahu ta’ala with his physical eyes, but in an unknown manner. [His seeing Allahu ta’ala happened outside of the physical sphere that is, in the second world.] He was taken back home in a moment. No other Prophet was granted a miraj mujiza.
35. For the Muslims (his followers/umma), it has become an obligation (fard) to ask Allah to bless him, that is, to recite salat (prayers) and salam (peace) on him which is also done by Allahu ta’ala and His angels.
36. He was granted the greatest knowledge among human beings and angels. Although he was “ummi” which means “uneducated,” that is, he learned nothing from any man, Allahu ta’ala taught him everything. Adam (‘alayhis-Salaam) knew the names of everything, but Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) knew the names of everything and also detailed information about everything.
37. All the names, the physical appearances of his umma (followers) and the events that would happen among them were revealed to him.
38. He had the greatest wisdom of all.
39. He was granted all the good qualities which can be found in a human being. Omar Ibn-ul Farid was asked: “Why did you not praise the Prophet of Allahu ta’ala?” He answered: “I understood that I did not have the ability to praise him. I could not find the appropriate words to praise him.”
40. Allahu ta’ala has put his name next to His own name in the Kalima-i shahadat (the Muslim’s attestation of faith), in adhan (the Muslim’s call to prayer), in the iqamat (the introduction to prayer), in the tashahhud of salat, in many other prayers, in other acts of worship, in the khutbas, in hard times, in the grave, on Doomsday; in Paradise and in the languages of every kind of creature.
The highest example of his superiority is his being “Habibullah,” that is,”the beloved of Allahu ta’ala. “Allahu ta’ala has made him His beloved and has befriended him, Himself. He loves him much more than He loves any other person or angel. He declared in a Hadith al-qudsi: “I made Abraham my Khalil (friend), but I made you may Habib (beloved).”
The fifth verse of Chapter Duha in the Holy Qur’an with the meaning: “I shall give you everything you desire until you are satisfied,” expresses that Allahu ta’ala has promised His Prophet (sall-Allahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) that He will give him all kinds of knowledge, all the superior qualities, ahqam-i sharia, help against his enemies, victory, conquered lands for his umma (followers) and every kind of intercession and manifestation on the Day of Judgement. When this ayat (verse) was revealed, he declared looking at Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam): “I will never be satisfied with one of my umma (followers) left in Hell.”
41. His blessed heart was always with Allahu ta’ala during the day and night, while he was asleep or awake, while he was alone or together with other people, while he was laughing or crying, while he was at home or in a war, or while he was traveling. He was completely with Allahu ta’ala during some specific times. In order to do his worldly task, and to orientate his heart towards worldly affairs, he used to come to his wife Hadhrat Aisha (radi-Allahu’ anha) first and tell her: “O! Aisha! Please talk to me so that I shall have tranquillity in my heart.” And then he used to go to his Companions to give them some enlightening advice. After he had performed the sunnat (the first part) of the morning prayer at home, he first talked to Hadhrat Aisha for some time, and then he used to go to the mosque in order to perform the obligatory prayer with his Companions. These conditions are the specialties of prophethood. If he had gone out without talking to Hadhrat Aisha, no one could have looked him in the face because of his nur (light) and divine manifestation.
42. In the Qur’an al-karim, Allahu ta’ala calls every Prophet (alaihimussalavatu watteslimat) by using their own names. But He calls Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) saying,”O! My Rasul”, “O! My Prophet.”
43. He used to speak clearly, in such a way that could be understood easily. He could speak all the dialects of the Arabic language. He used to answer the questions of those who came from different districts with their own dialects. Those who listened to him did so with admiration. He declared: “I was educated by Allahu ta’ala very well.”
44. He used to say many things with a few words. His traditions of more than one hundred thousand show that he was “Cevami-ul Kalim.” Some Islamic savants said that Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) had expressed the four fundamentals of Islam with just four traditions [Hadith ash-Sharif]. These are: “Deeds are evaluated according to the intention.” “Halal is obvious and haram is obvious.” “The complainant has to bring forth witnesses and the defendant has to swear.” “A person’s faith cannot be perfect until he desires for his brother in religion the thing which he desires for himself.” These four traditions are the fundamental basis for ‘ibadat (worship), muamalat (business dealings), khusumat (involving penal code and politics), and ethics in Islam, respectively.
45. Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) was innocent. He committed no sins, little or big, intentionally or unintentionally, before or after his fortieth birthday. Not a single dishonorable thing was ever seen from him.
46. Muslims have been ordered to recite “Assalamu alaika ayyuhannabiyyu wa rahmatullah” and to greet Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) while sitting in their prayers. This greeting is not permissible to say for any other prophet or angel while performing prayer.
47. He wanted neither rank nor sultanate. He wanted prophethood and poverty. One morning he was talking with Gabriel, and said: “We did not have a bit of food to eat last night.” At that moment, Seraph (Israfil [‘alayhis-Salaam]) came and said: “Allahu ta’ala has heard what you said and sent me. If you wish every stone you touch will turn to gold, silver or emerald. If you wish, you can be an angelic prophet.” The Prophet of Allahu ta’ala repeated thrice saying: “I want to be a human prophet.”
48. Other Prophets were prophets for a certain country and for a limited time. But Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) was sent as a prophet for all human beings and jinns throughout the world until the Day of Judgement. There were some Islamic savants who said that Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) was the Prophet for all the angels, animals, plants, lifeless thing, in short, for all creatures.
49. His mercy and help prevailed over all creatures. How useful he has been for the Muslims is obvious. Those disbelievers living during the time of other Prophets used to be tortured and killed in the world by Allahu ta’ala. But those who have not believed in him have not been tortured in this world. One day he told Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam): “Allahu ta’ala has informed me that I am the mercy for the universe. Have you been granted anything from my mercy?” Gabriel answered: “Seeing the greatness and extreme severity of Allahu ta’ala, I was always in fear of how my future would be. When I brought to you the verses that revealed my future safety [The twentieth and twenty-first verses of the Chapter Takwir] my fear was dispelled. What mercy can be greater than that?”
50. Allahu ta’ala wanted Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) to be satisfied. [As we have written in the forty-second virtue, Allahu ta’ala will grant him whatever he wants until he is satisfied. This fact is reported in Chapter Duha.]
51. Other Prophets answered the slanders of the disbelievers by themselves. But the slanders of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) were answered by Allahu ta’ala. Thus, He defended him.
52. The number of the followers of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) is more than the total of the other Prophets’ followers put together. They are more honored and superior to the other Prophets’ followers. It is reported in traditions that two thirds of those who will enter Paradise will be from the followers of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim).
53. It is said in the book Mawahib-i Ladunniyya that this tradition of the Prophet is well-known: “I desired from my Lord that my followers would not unite upon error. He accepted.” In another tradition, he declared: “Allahu ta’ala has protected you from three things. One of them is that He will protect you from being united on error.” The second is that the one who dies of a contagious disease will be rewarded as a martyr. The third one is that if two pious Muslims bear witness for a Muslim, saying that he is a good person, that Muslim will be sent to Paradise. In a tradition he declared: “The disagreements among my Companions are mercy for you.” and “The disagreements among my followers [being divided into madhhabs to practice Islam ] are mercy for mankind.” When they are striving to find the truth, disagreements arise among them. Their striving is a cause for mercy. Two kinds of people have denied this tradition. The first is called majin. The second is called mulhid. A majin is a trickster who uses the religion as a means for his worldly benefits. A mulhid is a perverted person who interprets verses (ayats) according to his worldly desires and becomes a disbeliever. Yahya Ibn Said says: “Islamic scholars are those who make things easy. The same thing was said to be halal (permitted) by one of them, while the other said it was haram (prohibited). The things said to be halal for pious people were said to be haram during the time of disorder. The second of the three, reported in the traditions, is that he who dies because of an epidemic gets the rewards of a martyr. The third is that if a dead Muslim is said to be a good man by two Muslims, he will go to Paradise.
The above tradition shows that “Ijma-i ummat,” that is, the unanimity of Islamic savants called mujtahid is from the ‘Adilla-i Shar’iya’. This means that, it is one of the sources of religious knowledge and that the four madhhabs are true. Madhhabs are mercy from Allahu ta’ala for the Muslims.
54. The blessings given to Rasulullah are much greater than the blessings given to other Prophets. The rewards given to a person who performs an acceptable prayer or a good deed will be given to his teacher as well. Four multiples of blessings will be given to his teacher’s teacher. Eight multiples of blessings will be given to his teacher’s teacher’s teacher. The fourth teacher will be given sixteen multiples of his student’s blessings. For example: The twentieth teacher will be given five hundred and twenty-four thousand, two hundred and eighty-eight blessings. If the number of blessings to be given to Rasulullah is considered according to this calculation, only Allahu ta’ala knows the real amount. Salafi Salihin were reported to have been superior to their successors. In respect to the number of blessings, their superiority is obvious.
55. Calling him with his name, speaking loudly before him, calling him from a long distance, crossing the road or passing farther in front of him on the way, have been prohibited. The followers of other Prophets (‘alaihimussalavatu wattaslimat) used to call them with their proper names.
56. The angel Seraph (Israfil [‘alayhis-Salaam]) came to Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) many times. Only Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam) came to the other Prophets (‘alaihimussalawatu wattaslimat).
57. He saw Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam) twice in his true form as an angel. Gabriel was not seen in his angelic form by other Prophets, (‘alaihimussalawatu wattaslimat).
58. Gabriel visited him twenty-four thousand times. He came to Moses (‘alayhis-Salaam) the most among the other Prophets, which was four hundred times.
59. To swear by Allahu ta’ala with the name of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) is permissible, but it is not permissible with other Prophets or angels.
60. To marry his blessed wives (radi-Allahu ta’ala anhunne) after he passed away was haram (prohibited). For this reason, they were referred to as the mothers of all Muslims. The wives of other Prophets (‘alaihimussalavatu watteslimat) were not very helpful. But the blessed wives (radi-Allahu ta’ala anhunne) of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) were useful for him both in his worldly and spiritual affairs. They were patient in poverty, felt gratitude and helped very much in spreading Islam.
61. The Prophet’s blessed daughters and wives (radi-Allahu ta’ala anhunne) are the best of all the women in the world. And his companions are the best among mankind, excluding other Prophets. His towns, Mecca and then Medina, are the most precious places on the earth. For one prayer performed in Masjid-i Sharif, the blessing of one thousand prayers is written. It is the same for other acts of worship. The place between his grave and his pulpit is as precious as a garden in Paradise. He declared: “After my death, visiting my grave is like visiting me when I’m alive.” “A Muslim who dies in one of the Harameyn is revived with confidence on the Day of Judgement. Mecca and Medina are called Harameyn.
62. There will be no value based on relationship by marriage or blood on the Day of Judgement. Only Rasulullah’s relatives will be the exception.
63. Everybody’s family originates from their son, but Hadhrat Muhammad’s (‘alayhis-Salaam) family originates from his daughter, Sayyidah Fatimah, Radhi Allahu Ta'ala Anha. This fact is confirmed with a hadith ash-Sharif.
64. Devout Muslims who have been given his name will not enter Hell.
65. Every word and every deed of his was correct. Every ijtihad (religious deduction) of his was confirmed by Allahu ta’ala.
66. It is obligatory for everybody to love him. He declared: “He who loves Allahu ta’ala loves me.” The sign of love for him is to adapt yourself to his religion, his path, his traditions and his morality. In the Qur’an al-karim, he was ordered to say: “If you adapt yourselves to me, Allahu ta’ala will love you.”
67. It is wajib (necessary) to love his Ahl al-bayt (family, radi-Allahu ta’ala anhum ajmain). He declared: “He who feels hostility towards my Ahl al-bayt is a hypocrite. The Ahl al-bayt are his relatives for whom it is haram (prohibited) to accept zakat (charity). They are the Muslim offspring from his wives and his grandfather, Hashim, that is, those coming from the descendants of Ali, Ukaylin, Jafar, Tayyar and Abbas.
68. It is wajib (necessary) to love all of his Companions (Sahaba). He declared, “After my death, do not feel hostility towards my Companions. Loving them means loving me. Having hostility for them means having hostility for me. He who hurts them also hurts me. He who hurts me also angers Allahu ta’ala. Those who anger Allahu ta’ala are tormented by Him.”
69. Allahu ta’ala had created two assistants on the earth and two assistants in the heavens for Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). They are Gabriel (Jabrael), Mikhail, Abu Bakr and Omar.
70. Every human being has a jinn companion. This satan is a disbeliever. Arousing suspicion within the man, he tries to make him commit sins and strives to undermine his faith. The Prophet of Allahu ta’ala (‘alayhis-Salaam) influenced his jinn companion to have faith.
71. Everybody, man or woman, except children, will be questioned about Hadhrat Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) in their graves. The question “Who is your Prophet?” will be asked as well as the question, “Who is your Lord?”
72. It is an act of worship to read the traditions of Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). The man who reads them is given blessings. In order to read the traditions, it is very beneficial (mustahab) to perform ablution, to wear clean clothes, to use good perfume, to put the tradition books in high places, not to stand up for those coming in while reading the traditions, and not to talk with others. The faces of those who read the Prophet’s traditions are continuously bright and beautiful. It is also necessary to follow these rules while we are reading the Qur’an al-karim.
73. When the Prophet of Allahu ta’ala (sall-Allahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) was about to die, Gabriel (‘alayhis-Salaam) came and conveyed Allahu ta’ala’s greetings to him and said that Allahu ta’ala had saluted him. The angel Gabriel told him he would die. He gave the good news to him and to his followers (ummat).
74. To take his blessed spirit, Azrael, the angel of death, came in the form of a human being. He asked for permission to come in.
75. The soil in his grave is superior to every other place including the Kaba [and paradises].
76. He is alive in his grave in a form of existence we are not capable of understanding. He reads the Qur’an al-karim and perform prayers in his grave. This condition is the same for all the Prophets (‘alaihimussalawatu watteslimat).
77. Those angels who hear the greetings and blessings recited by the Muslims for him all over the world carry them to his grave and convey them. His grave is visited by thousands of angels everyday.
78. The deeds and acts of worship done by his followers are shown to him every morning and every evening. He also sees who has done them. He prays for the sinners to be forgiven.
79. Visiting his grave is also spiritually rewarding (mustahab) for women, too. But, it is permissible for women to visit only when those places are not crowded.
80. All over the world, Allahu ta’ala always accepts the prayers of those who want something from Him for the sake and honor of His Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim). This was the case before and after his death. This is called “tawassul.” Once a peasant came beside his shrine and prayed: “O! My Allah. You ordered people to make the slaves free. This is your Prophet, and I’m one of your slaves. For the sake of your Prophet, I want you to make me free from the hellish fire.” A voice was heard responding to that peasant: “O! My slave! Why do you only want yourself to be free? Why do not you want all my slaves to be free? Come on? Go away. I made you free from Hell.” Hatim al-Asam, one of the well-known Muslim saints, stood beside the shrine of Rasulullah and prayed: “O! My Allah! I visited your Prophet’s grave. Don’t send me back empty-handed, please!” A voice was heard, responding: “O! My slave. I have accepted your visit to my beloved Prophet’s grave. I have forgiven you and those who were together with you.” Hadhrat Imam-i Ahmad Kastalani says: “I have been sick for some years. Doctors could not treat me. One evening in Mecca, I begged Rasulullah deeply. That night I saw someone in my dream. I read these lines on the paper in his hand: “Here, with the permission of Rasulullah, the name of the medicine for Ahmad Kastalani is written.” When I woke up I felt completely recovered.” Kastalani says again: “A girl had epilepsy. I begged Rasulullah to a great extent for her recovery. In my dream, somebody brought me the jinn who caused the girl to be ill. He said to me that the jinn had been sent to me by Rasulullah. I was angry with the jinn and shouted at him. He swore not to hurt the girl any more and then I woke up. I was told that the girl had recovered from epilepsy.
81. First, Rasulullah (sallallahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) will rise from his grave. He will be wearing the clothes of Paradise. He will go to Mahshar (the meeting place) on an animal called “Buraq.” He will carry a flag that is called “Liwa-ul Hamd.” All the Prophets and human beings will stand under this flag. All of them will become bored after having waited for one thousand years. They will go first to the Prophet Adam, then Noah, then Ibrahim, Moses and Isa (“alaihimussalavatu watteslimat”) and ask them to intercede for them. Those Prophets will not accept because of the shame and fear they feel before Allahu ta’ala. Then, approaching Rasulullah, they will implore him to intercede. He will prostrate himself, he will pray to Allahu ta’ala, and his intercession will be accepted. First of all, his followers will be judged; they will pass the Sir’at and enter Paradise first. They will illuminate the places they go. While Hadhrat Fatima (radi Allahu ‘anha) is passing the Sir’at, it will be heard: “Everybody! Close your eyes! Muhammad’s (‘alayhis-Salaam) daughter is coming.”
82. He will intercede in six places. All human beings will have been freed from the torture of waiting at Mahshar as a result of his intercession called Maqam-i Mahmud. Secondly, he will cause many people to enter Paradise without being judged. Thirdly, those Muslims who are to be tormented will be rescued by him. Fourthly, those Muslims who have a lot of sins will be taken out of Hell. Fifthly, he will intercede for those whose sins and good deeds are equal and who are waiting at a place called Araf in order to enter Paradise. Sixthly, he will intercede for those in Paradise in order to make their grades higher. Each one of those seventy thousand people who entered Paradise without being judged as a result of receiving the intercession of Hadhrat Muhammad will, in turn, intercede for seventy thousand people to enter Paradise without being judged.
83. It was declared: “But for you, I would not have created anything.”
84. The station of Rasulullah (sall-Allahu ta’ala ‘alaihi wa sallam) in Paradise is called “Veseele.” It is the highest degree of Jannat (Paradise). The root of the tree called “Sidratulmuntaha,” of which a branch will extend to everybody, is there. Every blessing will come to the people of Jannat through its branches.