Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran, "Sulaiman said, O chiefs,; which is of you who may bring me her “Balqis”throne to me before they come to me submitting? One big evil jinni said, 'I will bring you that throne before you rise from your sitting and undoubtedly, I am powerful & trustworthy.
One AWLIYA in the audience who had knowledge of the Book said,’ I shall bring it to you before twinkling of the eye. 'Then when Sulaiman saw the throne set before him said, 'this is by the grace of my lord that he may try me whether I am grateful or un-grateful' And whosoever is grateful for his own good. And whosoever is ungrateful, then my Lord is self sufficient All Virtuous".(Sura An-Namal, Verse 38 to 40).
In the above verse Allah Almighty has mentioned the karaamat (Mirracle) of the companion of Hazrat sulaiman (AS). His name was Asif bin Barkhia (RA). According to the commentators this throne was very huge and it was at the distance of 1500 miles away but the friend of Allah “Awliya” brought it before the twinkling of the eye.
Can your Salafees claim that this is a lie? That Awliya do not exist that that they cannot perform miracles? They even claim that Holy Prophet (sal) cannot bless anyone after death, but they have gone against the hadiths/Quran as follows;
We all know about the incident of Mi'raj, and the reason why Masjid al-Aqsa is so dear to us and so holy is because the Prophet (Sal), prayed there with all the Nabis (prophets-PBUT). If the Wahabis say that they never prayed; then ask them why is it so dear to us? What then is the importance of the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem?
We also know that Sayyidina Musa benefitted us on that night because Allah (SWT) had made fifty Salats fard on us. But, through the intermediary action of Musa(AS), this number was reduced to five times daily. What a great help is this to the Ummah of Muhammad (SAL). There are so many people having problems performing only the five daily Salahs, how much more difficult would not 50 have been? Allah's Rahmah for us is indeed great. But it came to us through the mediation of a “Dead” Prophet!
But what is astonishing about this incident is that Musa(AS), had passed away 4 000 years before that night of Mi'raj, yet there he was, acting as an intermediary for the Ummah of the Nabi Muhammad (Sal).
If this is the ability of Musa(AS) what about the best of creation, the Imam of all Prophets, our own Nabi Muhammad(sal)? Cannot the Nabi Muhammad(sal), benefit us today if Sayyidina Musa (AS) could benefit us then?
You cannot paint all Muslims as Kafiirs with the same brush as the Wahabis Salafees & Tawheeds do so often; according to them anybody who doesn’t follow their thinking, interpretations’ & doctrine becomes a kaffir. If you know the History of Wahabism, you will know that these Salafees Killed & Raped thousands of Muslim Girls & women who would not believe as they do, these Wahabis branded anybody who doesn’t believe as themselves as Kafirs and made it legal to rape & plunder Muslim property, they Killed Ulemas who opposed their radical thinking and they destroyed all historical & Holy Muslims land marks, Buildings, Mosques and Zeyaraths including those of the immediate family of Holy Prophet (sal), such as that of his wives, his son, his daughters’ and grand children along with uncles’ & aunts. These Wahabis are actually a creation of the British just as the Kadianis/Ahmadiyas of India who were created by the British. The Founder of Wahabism/Salafism Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab was the Shaithan Incarnate as per Hadiths of Najd (which were later altered by the Wahabis), he created the biggest fitnas in Islamic History along with his partner the Criminal Ibn Saud who used to rob caravans on trade & pilgrimage to Mekkah.
The Holy Prophet (sal) prophesized "Maybe" about Wahabism- I can think of no other group which would fit this description:
“They recite the Quran and consider it in their favor but it is against them.
They transpose the Quranic verses meant to refer to unbelievers and make them refer to believers. What I fear most in my ummah is a man who interprets verses out of context.
They will pass through Islam as an arrow passed through its quarry.”
Prophet Muhammad’s (sal) warning should be heeded- “O you people, beware of being extreme…for that which destroyed the people before you was none other than extremism in the religion.”
One AWLIYA in the audience who had knowledge of the Book said,’ I shall bring it to you before twinkling of the eye. 'Then when Sulaiman saw the throne set before him said, 'this is by the grace of my lord that he may try me whether I am grateful or un-grateful' And whosoever is grateful for his own good. And whosoever is ungrateful, then my Lord is self sufficient All Virtuous".(Sura An-Namal, Verse 38 to 40).
In the above verse Allah Almighty has mentioned the karaamat (Mirracle) of the companion of Hazrat sulaiman (AS). His name was Asif bin Barkhia (RA). According to the commentators this throne was very huge and it was at the distance of 1500 miles away but the friend of Allah “Awliya” brought it before the twinkling of the eye.
Can your Salafees claim that this is a lie? That Awliya do not exist that that they cannot perform miracles? They even claim that Holy Prophet (sal) cannot bless anyone after death, but they have gone against the hadiths/Quran as follows;
We all know about the incident of Mi'raj, and the reason why Masjid al-Aqsa is so dear to us and so holy is because the Prophet (Sal), prayed there with all the Nabis (prophets-PBUT). If the Wahabis say that they never prayed; then ask them why is it so dear to us? What then is the importance of the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem?
We also know that Sayyidina Musa benefitted us on that night because Allah (SWT) had made fifty Salats fard on us. But, through the intermediary action of Musa(AS), this number was reduced to five times daily. What a great help is this to the Ummah of Muhammad (SAL). There are so many people having problems performing only the five daily Salahs, how much more difficult would not 50 have been? Allah's Rahmah for us is indeed great. But it came to us through the mediation of a “Dead” Prophet!
But what is astonishing about this incident is that Musa(AS), had passed away 4 000 years before that night of Mi'raj, yet there he was, acting as an intermediary for the Ummah of the Nabi Muhammad (Sal).
If this is the ability of Musa(AS) what about the best of creation, the Imam of all Prophets, our own Nabi Muhammad(sal)? Cannot the Nabi Muhammad(sal), benefit us today if Sayyidina Musa (AS) could benefit us then?
You cannot paint all Muslims as Kafiirs with the same brush as the Wahabis Salafees & Tawheeds do so often; according to them anybody who doesn’t follow their thinking, interpretations’ & doctrine becomes a kaffir. If you know the History of Wahabism, you will know that these Salafees Killed & Raped thousands of Muslim Girls & women who would not believe as they do, these Wahabis branded anybody who doesn’t believe as themselves as Kafirs and made it legal to rape & plunder Muslim property, they Killed Ulemas who opposed their radical thinking and they destroyed all historical & Holy Muslims land marks, Buildings, Mosques and Zeyaraths including those of the immediate family of Holy Prophet (sal), such as that of his wives, his son, his daughters’ and grand children along with uncles’ & aunts. These Wahabis are actually a creation of the British just as the Kadianis/Ahmadiyas of India who were created by the British. The Founder of Wahabism/Salafism Mohamed Ibn Abdul Wahhab was the Shaithan Incarnate as per Hadiths of Najd (which were later altered by the Wahabis), he created the biggest fitnas in Islamic History along with his partner the Criminal Ibn Saud who used to rob caravans on trade & pilgrimage to Mekkah.
The Holy Prophet (sal) prophesized "Maybe" about Wahabism- I can think of no other group which would fit this description:
“They recite the Quran and consider it in their favor but it is against them.
They transpose the Quranic verses meant to refer to unbelievers and make them refer to believers. What I fear most in my ummah is a man who interprets verses out of context.
They will pass through Islam as an arrow passed through its quarry.”
Prophet Muhammad’s (sal) warning should be heeded- “O you people, beware of being extreme…for that which destroyed the people before you was none other than extremism in the religion.”
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