Oh Wahabi Tawheeds & Wahabi Salafees!
You claim to follow Pure Islam!
You claim to follow Quran & Sunnah!
Yet you call All Muslims who don’t follow your Wahabi Doctrine as Kafirs!
Where I ask is this right given to you in Quran & Sunnah!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You claim that all innovation in Islam are Shirk,
Yet you innovated Wahabi Tawheed Jamath & Wahabi Salafee Jamath!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You Promise on Holy Quran and then give false statements at Police!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You take Oath on Holy Quran & Give False witness at courts!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You print notices/pamphlets defaming the Muslim sheikh of Beruwala and distribute at Jumma Masjids!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
The police are looking for the Tawheed Wahabis who printed the pamphlets to produce them in courts for defamation!
Yet you still claim that you live by Sharia & pure Islam!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
If you follow Sharia you will have to give 40 lashes to each & every Tawheed jamath follower for lying in the name of Islam!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
For those who spread hatred & discord among Muslims will have to be put to death!
It is now justified that those radicals who were died at Beruwala Hate Center were killed by Muslims implementing Sharia Law!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
Let someone have this SHARIA LAW implemented on Wahabi Radicals PJ and Ganja Kovai Ayoob!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
In practice Tawheed Wahabis & Tawheed Salafees are cowards & backboneless men who would not even take a challenge!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
Wahabis boast in arrogance & Ignorance that they are true Muslims,
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
Why I wonder such shameless hypocrites can still call themselves as Muslims!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
I wonder what Tawheed Wahabi definition of a Muslims is,
Is it for People who give False Witness at Courts? Or it for People who give false statements at Police?
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
Are they Muslims who make false graphical videos of Sheikh being involved at the burning of Tawheed hate center?
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
Wahabism is Shirk! (Wahabi) Salafism is Shirk! (Wahabi) Tawheedsm is Shirk!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
People who follow these sects cannot be called as Muslims!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
They are the modern "Kharijites"; in the disguise of a Muslim to deceive unsuspecting Muslims into Wahabi Kharijitesm!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
Woe to you Wahabis for your arrogance & Anti-Muslim actions
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You destroy the holy graves of the Prophet (sal) wives, children & Family!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You killed thousands of Muslims in the name of Wahabism in Taif & Karbala!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You Raped, tortured & Killed Muslim Women & young girls made halal to you by Shaithan Sheikh Al-Najdi Ibn Abdul Wahhab!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You gave Fatwa’s to protect your Wahabi Jamath,
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You gave Fatwa’s to bring in Western forces to Muslim Holy Lands!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You gave Fatwa’s to pay the Western Christian forces to kill a Million Muslims in Iraq with Saudi Oil money!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
When Islam is a democracy you chose dictatorships!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
You killed Muslim Ulemas & Mawlovis in the name of Wahabism!
Yet you Claim that you follow Quran & Sunnah!
I ask you What Islam that you follow?
It is the Islam of Shaithan Iblis that you follow!
Welcome to the Beruwala Masjid Al-Dhiraar Attack Blog
With All the information and Misinformation regarding the Beruwela Masjid Al-Dhiraar Attack On the web and mainstream media, We hope to shed some light on what really happened on that day and the events relating to that.
You will find links to Wahabism and Sunnat Jamaat posted in the Future.
You will also find Newspaper Articles and you tube videos on the matter.
So please go through the Details.
You will find links to Wahabism and Sunnat Jamaat posted in the Future.
You will also find Newspaper Articles and you tube videos on the matter.
So please go through the Details.
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