Welcome to the Beruwala Masjid Al-Dhiraar Attack Blog

With All the information and Misinformation regarding the Beruwela Masjid Al-Dhiraar Attack On the web and mainstream media, We hope to shed some light on what really happened on that day and the events relating to that.

You will find links to Wahabism and Sunnat Jamaat posted in the Future.

You will also find Newspaper Articles and you tube videos on the matter.

So please go through the Details.

A Poem By A Sahaba

A seal of Prophethood from Allah is upon him

That has emerged, is attested to, and witnessed
The Deity attached the name of the prophet to His Name
When the caller to prayer says that he bears witness
When calling for the five prayers
He portioned out to him from His Name,
In order that he be exalted
For He is the possessor of the throne, the one who is praised and
This is Muhammed ( the oft praised one)
A Prophet who came to us after despair and a period
Between the (sending) of the Messengers when the idols were worshiped

By Hassan b. Thabit
Companion Of the Prophet Sallallahu Alihi Wasallam

The above poem clearly praises the best of ALL creations. Surely, if praising the Prophet was wrong it would have been prohibited in Islam; which none of the Sahabas (companions) would ever do. It just proves the fact poems or Moulids are part of the Sunnah and not Shirk as some half-educated men claim.

These half-educated men only look at an angle to suit their devious plan to misguide the people, example, when the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said “Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated concerning Isa b. Mariam,”

Any one with a sound mind of intelligence would see the above saying warns not to exaggerate; nowhere does it prohibit to praise if it is in fact the truth. Now let me clarify how the Christians exaggerated. Do they not proclaim that Isa b. Mariam Alaihi Sallam is the SON of God?

Allah has even praised the His chosen Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in the Holy Quran,

[68:4] And lo! thou art of a tremendous nature.

[24:63] Do not, among yourselves, consider the calling of the Messenger to be like your calling of one another, by saying, ‘O Muhammad!’ (s), but say, ‘O Prophet of God’, or, ‘O Messenger of God!’ gently, respectfully and in a low voice. Verily God knows those of you who slip away surreptitiously, that is, those who leave the mosque secretly during the sermon without asking leave, hiding behind something (‘verily’, is for confirmation). So let those who contravene His command, that is, God’s command, or that of His Messenger, beware lest an ordeal, a trial, befall them, or there befall them a painful chastisement, in the Hereafter.

The above ayah's are only two of many. Each time we recite the Holy Quran do we not Praise the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as well? By reciting Moulids or poetry are we not only obeying Allah?


Anyone who objects to Moulids or poems praising the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is in fact the misguided people warned by Allah in the Holy Quran for their innovations in Islam against praising the best of creation by Allah.

[2:8] Then there are those who say, "We believe in GOD and the Last Day," while they are not believers.

[2:9] In trying to deceive GOD and those who believe, they only deceive themselves without perceiving.

[2:10] In their minds there is a disease. Consequently, GOD augments their disease. They have incurred a painful retribution for their lying.

[2:11] When they are told, "Do not commit evil," they say, "But we are righteous."

[2:12] In fact, they are evildoers, but they do not perceive.

[2:13] When they are told, "Believe like the people who believed," they say, "Shall we believe like the fools who believed?" In fact, it is they who are fools, but they do not know.

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