Welcome to the Beruwala Masjid Al-Dhiraar Attack Blog
With All the information and Misinformation regarding the Beruwela Masjid Al-Dhiraar Attack On the web and mainstream media, We hope to shed some light on what really happened on that day and the events relating to that.
You will find links to Wahabism and Sunnat Jamaat posted in the Future.
You will also find Newspaper Articles and you tube videos on the matter.
So please go through the Details.
You will find links to Wahabism and Sunnat Jamaat posted in the Future.
You will also find Newspaper Articles and you tube videos on the matter.
So please go through the Details.
The Story Of Al-Utbi
Shaykh Abu Mansur al-Sabbagh in his book al-Shamil, has mentioned the famous story from al-Utbi : "As I was sitting by the grave of the prophet , Bedouin Arab came and said : "Peace be upon you , O Messenger of Allah! I have heard Allah saying : { If They had only , When they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah's forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgivness for them they would have found Allah indeed oft-returning , most Merciful } (al-Nisa':64), so I have come to you asking forgiveness for my sins, seeking your intercession with my Lord." Then he began to recite poetry:
O best of those whose bones are buried in the deep earth,
And from whose fragrance the depth and the height have become sweet,
May I be the ransom for the grave which thou inhabit,
And in which are found purity, bounty and munificence!
Then the Bedouin left, and sleep overcame me and I saw the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in my sleep. he said to me : " O Utbi, run after the Bedouin and give him glad tidings that Allah has forgiven him."
The above incident clearly shows visiting the Ziyarah (grave) of the Prophet Sallahu Alaihi Wasallam is permitted in Islam. It is not done in the intention of worship but with love and respect towards the Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and in seeking their intercession with Allah.
The Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam has been the intercessor for all the Sahabas. They have never forbidden any Sahaba saying do not come to me , but ask direct from Allah. Instead they would always ask Dua for the Sahabas plight.
Another point in this incident also proves reciting poetry towards the prophet is permitted since Allah has asked Utbi to give the glad tiding to the Bedouin of his Dua being excepted And it was told through the intersession of the Prophet Sallallahu Alihi Wasallam. If Poetry was not allowed surely would their have been such blessings blessed to the Bedouin who recited the poetry. No indeed not,The Bedouin was only praising the Allah's creation as the best of all creation , he was not worshipng the grave.
I would like to conclude by saying If anyone has any doughts regarding any matter in Islam kindly ask from a learned Imam or leader for guidence so that the true path may be shown.
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